Our Story
Then and Now

Oceanview started on March 5, 1978, in the home of Pastor Vic Nordstrom under the name of Ladysmith Fellowship Baptist Church (which is still our legal name.) There were 18 present at that first meeting, with people coming from Ladysmith, Departure Bay Baptist (Nanaimo) and Bethel Baptist in Duncan. The congregation continued meeting in the house of Pastor Nordstrom until September 1979. The church then moved Sunday services to the Native Sons and Daughters Hall (now the Eagles Hall in Ladysmith). In 1979, the property for the new church building was purchased. The sign for the building construction was erected on January 1, 1980, and the groundbreaking took place that spring. The work, largely voluntary, was close to completion when the first service was held in the new building on Easter Sunday, April 19, 1981.

Over the next seven years, the church added a Christian education wing and a new sanctuary, completed on September 11, 1988.

Then, in 2010, the church began to discuss a name change. They felt they needed a name that reflected the direction God would have them go. Remaining with the Baptist denomination, Fellowship Pacific, they changed their name to Oceanview Community Church.