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We want to introduce David and Rhonda Herrod to you:

David had a dramatic conversion experience in July 1975 when he received Jesus as his personal Lord and Saviour. David was baptized just a few short weeks later. He says, “Since coming to know, love and follow Jesus, I have never looked back. I attribute any successes in my life to Jesus and as a result of His impact on my life.”

Rhonda first trusted Jesus as her Lord and Saviour in December 1978 and was baptized. She shares, “I was miraculously transformed, and I continue to grow in Christ and become more like Him to this day.”

David and Rhonda attended OCC online and in person beginning in June 2023. They serve beautifully on our worship team and are interested in community outreach. They appreciate the leadership and solid Biblical teaching here at OCC and are excited about belonging to a church with great outreach and discipleship potential.